I'm grateful you can write about this stuff. It helps me.

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I'm glad it helps. I think you and I have spoken about this before - the old rule used to be not to write about things you see on the telly, but now, if I see a universal truth in a tyrant's smirk, I have no option but to write about it. These people are the embodiment of evil, and we somehow need to find the will to resist that evil (though the question always has to be, for me, will my words make any difference at all?).

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It has to. What else can make a difference? The whole cliche about a drop of water and the ocean. I've come back to the wasps - still trying to wrap my head around the ugliness of nature - the necessary ugliness. Maybe that is me avoiding the unnecessary ugliness in people?

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There's a whole pholosophical debate there - I read Humankind: A Hopeful History by Rutger Bregman over a year ago, and he posits that humankind is essentially good. Much of his argument is convincing, BUT I still doubt him because all those in power are bad people. If we are good, why do we allow evil monsters to rule us? There's a disconnect there.

Re my own words (my, how self-centred I can be), I found it hugely satisfying to be called a polemicist by Tom Robinson before he played out my spoken word piece the other day, because it does indicate my words do mean something.

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ABSOLUTELY! It is a great thing to have someone call you. Along with poet, novelist, painter, on and on... I will check out Humankind. (I am on a personal austerity budget the next year.) I've always been someone who sees trees but not the forest. It may be why I believe in a butterfly effect. And it is satisfying to hear back that I made a tiny difference to make the world better for one person. Not that people are banging down my door with the message, but I do get a message to that effect now and then.

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I think you underestimate your impact. Maybe your local library has Bregman's book.

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I head in next week. I will absolutely check it out.

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